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Angular vs. Vue: Suitable Front End Framework in 2022

While the decision to select one JS framework amongst Angular vs Vue can be stupefying, we’ve elucidated relevant excerpts to make it look easier. We hope it helps!

Please see: We’ve coupled React, as and when required, to make the Vue vs. Angular comparison more vivid and contextual. The underlying examples are based on practical implementation, and can therefore be used as the basis to create hybrid applications.

Citation: React was developed and maintained by Facebook. Angular was developed by Google, while Vue was developed by Evan You and an ex-Google employee.

Worth Mentioning: Single Page applications are built upon a single page but the entire page is broken down into several components, where every component performs a specific task – Login, display icons and images, and so on. All the components are assembled to prepare a single-page application. Here we’ll learn about their features, use cases, performance, where they are used, data binding, scripting languages they use and their testing mechanisms.

Why is Angular relevant in 2022?

Angular brings with its components, templates, directives, dependency injection, and loads of security best practices including accessibility, keeping up-to-date, property binding, lazy loading, lightweight injection tokens for libraries; Angular tokens like Dev Workflows, CLI builders, language services, DevTools, and Schematics. Angular is scalable according to project requirements. It offers a standard structure for developers, making it even easier to develop large applications.

Why is Vue relevant in 2022?

Vue is preferable by start-ups as it serves smaller projects. Angular is preferable for projects of longer duration and enterprises. Vue is speedy and easy to learn.

How are Angular and Vue similar?

Angular, Vue and React are interchangeable, yet distinct Server-Side technologies used to build distributed applications, partly on the client-side, and partly on the server-side. These are applicable for single-page applications (SPA). These are based on JavaScript, so they are lightweight and are not dependent on third-party runtime tools. Both Vue and angular are – Open-source, have a large developer community, and are based on JavaScript.

Comparison: Angular vs. Vue

Libraries/Classes/Functions: Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework. Vue is also an open-source JavaScript Framework. (While React is an open-source, front-end JavaScript library. Although the terms library and frameworks are used interchangeably, these are significantly different. Users are free to call libraries, functions, and classes. Frameworks have limited choices, and have a blueprint of their own. So users do not have much control. JavaScript is an interpreted language where code is executed line by line, all these tools are very efficient. Converting a code into an intermediate code would require a runtime environment, which encounters a delay. These are avoided and as a result, these tools are fast.

Usage: React is used to develop mobile and web applications. Angular is primarily used to develop single-page applications and hybrid applications as it is purely based on HTML, CSS, jQuery, and JavaScript. Vue is used to develop user interfaces and single-page applications.

Performance (React / Angular / Vue)

What is DOM: React uses virtual DOM to fill in data in the HTML DOM. When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page. DOM is an API that defines how a document is accessed and manipulated. The DOM represents a document with a logical tree. This DOM parser converts the HTML code into an inverse tree structure.

Data Binding (React / Angular / Vue)

It is the core reason why we use single-page applications. Data Binding feature in a framework lets you identify the user and retrieving data based on that is facilitated using data binding.

Data binding is a process that allows an internet user to manipulate web page elements using a web browser. It is used in web pages that contain interactive components such as forms, calculators, tutorials, and games.

React facilitates one-way data binding. It takes the data from the view and pushes it to the model or vice-versa. While Angular and Vue use two-way data binding.

Scripting Languages


Community Support

Since all these tools are open-source, they have a large developer community.

It lets us commit, downloads third-party plugins, and explore these tags even deeper.

NPM stats say that over the past few years, there have been approximately 360 million REACTJS downloads. There have been 38 million downloads for Angular, and 63 million downloads for Vue.

Use Cases from Business Perspective


We’ve thrown in keywords like single-page applications, JavaScript, component-based design, model view controller, and a whole lot of other things. This comparison on Angular vs Vue 2022 brings out the comparison between three popularly used front-end web development tools. Although these two tools are JavaScript products and have the same objectives, they are significantly different. These tools are differentiated based on salient features, use cases, performance, data binding, scripting languages, testing, community support, and growth curve. So we hope that this article brought some clarity to Vue and Angular development companies. Thank you for being here, keep learning.

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