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Symfony vs. Laravel: Easing The Selection of The Right PHP Framework

Here is a comparative study of the two most prominent PHP frameworks – Symphony and Laravel!

How to define a technology stack?

A web application consists of the client-side (User frontend) and server-side (not visible to the user). Client-side coding generally consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while server-side coding consists of popular programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, PHP, .Net, etc. The database that backs both client and server-side of the application is normally developed in MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQL server, etc.

The server handles the client-side requests via Nginx or Apache servers (there can be more options). Therefore a web application requires – front-end, backend, database, framework, and the server.  This constitutes the technology stack of the application.

Side Note: The project to be built and the concerned use-cases must be the major deciding factor for deciding the framework to be used. Will it be an efficient option? Will it save time and effort? Will the app perform better? Will it improve stability? If your framework can give answers to all these questions, then it can be the right option to choose.

If you think oblique, hands-on knowledge of various development frameworks can be one straightway to succeed as a software developer. Making use of a PHP framework is no more aspirational for PHP development companies. There is no harm to be uncommon through going straight, you’ll never get to do it by being crooked. A right PHP framework can help write a clean, error-free code that is comparatively faster and highly performant.

Writing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can be the first thing to start with a web/mobile application. Understanding the technology stack is equally important for a project’s success.

Normally any PHP framework is based upon some sort of Model View Controller (MVC). It is, in turn, an architectural pattern in programming that isolates business logic from the User interface, thus enabling one to be distinct. With MVC, the model refers to data, View refers to the presentation layer and Controller refers to the application of business logic. It breaks up the development process of an application so that individual elements can work in isolation (still by remaining unaffected). This speeds up PHP coding.

What is the need to use a PHP Framework?

There are many applications and advantages of using a PHP Framework like:

When to use a PHP framework?

For beginners, a PHP framework offers simplicity and outline to write their code. It becomes easy to help reduce or eliminate bad coding and speed up the PHP build process.

For experienced developers, PHP frameworks are used for quick coding, saving them time and tightening the coding process.

Using a PHP framework works wonders while dealing with a project that is on a strict schedule. It benefits greatly by speeding up the coding process.

What to look into a PHP Framework?

A PHP framework must be easy to use, must provide for rapid development/performance, must be popular amongst developers, and must have strong features and support/forums. Every Framework has varying features, strengths, and weaknesses, user-friendliness and ease of use and scope. These points must be checked while choosing a PHP Framework for your next web project:

Three Types of PHP Framework

PHP frameworks can be of three types: (1) Glue frameworks (Flexible + no tight modules), (2) full-stack frameworks (focused on configuration) and (3) mixed frameworks (a mix of glue and full-stack – either option applicable depending upon the requirement).

When it comes to deciding one framework for your web development project certain major trends cannot be missed. We chose Laravel and Symphony as part of this discussion:

In This Context: Laravel vs. Symphony


Laravel has been favored since its inception, more so in the last few years. It simplifies the authorization logic and control access to resources. It supports object-oriented libraries that come with many pre-installed features. Laravel comes with tools like artisan that help simplify programming tasks which have to be otherwise manually performed.



Symphony is open source, flexible, easy to learn, reliable, has long-term community support, large community, and elaborate documentation.


Crux: Best PHP Framework 2020

A decent PHP framework is scalable, flexible, modular, easy to program, highly efficient, must support every database management system, and must have error detection and correction features and big community support. All these functions suit Laravel followed by Symphony.

Laravel has been the most liked framework of 2019 and will continue trending in 2020 and onwards, being used by top web development companies India. Choose your PHP framework wisely after scanning all the details and the one that meets almost every requirement.

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