How to Recruit Awesome Node.js Developers
We are quoting some handy take-aways’ about hiring best Node.js developers here. Read and get benefitted by outsourcing Node.js Development teams right away!
Table of Contents
- The Goal Behind Development of Node.js
- Facts to Know About Node.JS
- Following Up With Node.JS Architecture
- Growing A Proper Node.JS Development Team
- How to find a Node.js programmer
- Finding a Node.js programmer – Inbound
- Finding a Node.js programmer – Outbound
- Finding a Node.js programmer – Tools
- Finding a Node.js programmer – Outsourcing
- Definitive
Node.js is an open-source, lightweight, server-side runtime environment used to build a fast and scalable web server in just a few minutes.
The Goal Behind Development of Node.js
There was a need to build a system to create websites with push capability in real-time. The event-driven paradigm was the epicentre of the Node. This helped developers to create 2-way connection websites (client and server) with free data exchange.
Facts to Know About Node.JS
- Asynchronous: Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine.
- Scalability: Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.
- Event loop: js does not agree with the start-the-event-loop-call.
- Suitability as a Web Development Framework: Node as a web server using HTTP
- It is relatively easy to handle multiple, concurrent client requests with Node.js.
- The presence of an event loop reduces the need to create threads.
- The presence of less thread utilizes less memory.
- Keeping a tab on Node.js development market
- Looking for fresh and experienced Node.js developers or those currently into PHP, Java, .Net and are ready to transition into Node.js
- The required Skillset for Best Node.js Developer:
- Adept with JavaScript/Typescript
- Knowledge of Functional Programming
- Knowledge of High-level programming architecture patterns like MVC, MVVP, MVVM etc.
- Must be experienced in working on any backend solution and frameworks like Express.js, Nest.js, Koa, Hapi etc.
- Must have a working knowledge of common development tools like GIT, ESLInt, Prettier
- Must have practical knowledge of SQL(MySQL and PostgreSQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB) databases.
- Must know Docker and Docker Compose, CI/CD
- Inbound: looking for the candidates within internal departments, those that can be migrated to work on other technologies.
- Outbound: looking for the candidates in an external environment via a direct search.
- Tools: what tools, apps and websites can help speed up the recruitment process.
- Outsourcing: reaching out to a software company that has the kind of Node.js developers that we need.
What does this imply: Many connections get handled concurrently. The callback is fired upon every connection. Node.js goes to sleep in an idle state.
What does this imply: Node.js works on a single-threaded event loop model, in contrast to today’s more common concurrency model. Thread-based networking is very difficult to use and relatively inefficient. Node.js are free from worries of dead-locking the process since there are no locks. Almost no function in Node.js directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks. Because of nothing blocks, It is very reasonable to construct scalable systems in Node.js.
What does this imply: It rather presents an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library. So it’s behaviour is irrespective of the numerous callbacks, either at the beginning of a script or at the end of a server.
What does this imply: HTTP Modules are an integral part of the Node.JS Framework to be used in developing web servers. The resultant application can be made to listen on a particular port and send a response to the client whenever a request is made to the application. This ‘request’ module can be used to fetch information from the web sites.
Following Up With Node.JS Architecture
Node.js architecture is based on Single-Threaded with Event Loop Model with JavaScript Callback Mechanism which makes Node.js easy to handle and amazing to code with:
Growing A Proper Node.JS Development Team
How to find a Node.js programmer
Now as we are aware of the required skillsets of the prospects – it can be divided into four sections:
Finding a Node.js programmer – Inbound
Some of the most popular and efficient inbound methods of finding Node.js developers include The career page of the organization’s website, the social media, posting the job requirement on job portals, providing internships to eligible candidates, organizing free webinars to position your business, looking at the referrals and outdoor advertising in print media or university/organization’s anniversary events etc.
Finding a Node.js programmer – Outbound
Supplement your inbound search with some strategy and speed by implementing outbound methods of searching a Node.js developer. Out of the various search methods: Direct search, third-party conferences and events and self-organized events where there is the freedom to interact with participants.
Finding a Node.js programmer – Tools
To support inbound and outbound marketing and recruitment efforts, tools come handy: Recruitment management tools like applicant tracking systems (ATSes), Recruitee, Traffit, SmartRecruiters and many other jobs portals can be used by the recruiters to float their applications. Besides, many sourcing tools like LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, AmazingHiring, Intelligent Search and screening platforms like Codility, Devskiller, Interview Mocha. Moreover, B2B review services like Goodfirms, Clutch, G2, ITfirms, Appfutura allow businesses to review software companies.
Finding a Node.js programmer – Outsourcing
Outsourcing becomes the best option when a business needs to customize their product, need to adapt to changing market conditions, need to secure new financing, need a faster time to market.
Consequent to the huge demand and effectiveness of JavaScript in keeping up with client-side code there was a need to have a server-side programming capability among developers for some time. Node.js filled this gap by being event-driven and callback driven. Top node.js development companies can adopt software development outsourcing as Node.js is comparable to PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Golang – Node.js is being used by Fortune 500 Companies and rates highest on scales of Performance, security, coding efficiency and open-source framework. Big banners like NASA, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Walmart, Uber, LinkedIn, Netflix, Trello are trusted customers of Node.js. Hire nodejs developers to build apps for social media platforms, streaming players, online payment systems, real-time project collaboration and management tools, e-commerce platform, single-page applications with complex functionality, real-time applications, IoT applications, applications using micro-services architectures and likewise. Considering snarling COVID-19 Pandemic, stay safe, keep coding. Reach out to us for more!