5 Golden Rules to Working with a Remote Developer
As a website owner or an app owner, you must understand the benefits of outsourcing your development work by hiring developers or development companies.
If you and your developer are working from the same office, that’s not a problem. However, if you are working with a development company working from Asia while you run your business in the US, it becomes quite a concern.
Will I be able to effectively coordinate with a remote development team?
Will I be able to convey my idea on phone, without any one-to-one meeting?
Will it not hamper the overall efficiency of working?
Several questions like these leave us in a confusion to whether outsourcing will be a wise decision or mess up the whole project? Let’s first find out the benefits of outsourcing overseas:
Low Cost: Why hire a developer for $150 per hour when we may be able to finish our project with a quarter of this cost or less from a remotely running company? That’s a lot of saving indeed.
For a local developer, you have to bear overhead expenses like electricity, infrastructure, resources and others, which can be avoided otherwise.
Better expertise: No wonder, a well-trained team dedicatedly working on web design and mobile app development have that competent advantage over any other local developer. Further, a full-time office setup guarantees more productivity than any freelancer.
Short-term Commitment: What if the current mobile application or website you are working is in Java and your upcoming project demands a completely different expertise as in Magento?
This is the time remotely working companies provide solutions to all problems. You can’t just hire a developer skilled in Java for six months and then look for a new one who is adroit in Magento eCommerce.
With companies overseas, you are always in a short-term commitment that ends as the project is finally delivered, Nonetheless, if you want to continue with the same company, that’s a personal choice, you are not bothered with any investments you made.
Most times, it is beneficial to hire a full-time app development company rather than just a single app developer. Since a company’s experience and expertise as a whole is more reliable, and there is a team to perform the tasks, it is more reliable and profitable.
Considering those fears and doubts of working with a remote development firm, here are five golden rules to keep in mind that will help you derive profits and get a worthwhile end product.
A precise and clear requirement list
Most important, no development company can come out with flying colors if they do not understand your project requirements. To get off to a solid start, give a precise and clear explanation of your requirements and expectations of the app once it’s built. Be open to invite any innovative ideas from the development team and if you like it, don’t be reluctant in getting that implemented.
Communicate effectively
Effective communication is the key to success of project management. Distance doesn’t matter these days since you have excellent ways of communication like Skype call, video conference, emails and likewise. Make yourself available for timely briefings and also ask the development team to some up with regular updates. If you do that frequent calls with the concerned team, you never experience any communication gap; in fact, the development process is more sorted and smooth.
Make more informed decisions
An informed decision is only possible if you have that understanding and knowledge of the terms and technologies that the developers talk about. Don’t ever forget that at the end, it’s your project that will be a revenue-generator for your business; you can’t just leave it on the development team.
Gain that wit on related technologies and tools to be used that are best for your project while the team presents feature list and SRS and during any further discussions in the project. This will certainly help you make better decisions.
Chemistry creates a difference
From the very first call with the candidate, you can tell whether they are interested in your project or least bothered. To get things work in your favor, you must ensure that the development team and you are on the same page with respect to business acumen and communication. The answers you receive from them for your queries say a lot about their ability and skills.
Look in the history
This is the step before you choose your developers. Take a look in the past project delivered successfully. History says a lot about their work. How long the company has been in development business and what all clients have they served remotely will give you a quick help.
All in all, working remotely with a development company is no harm until you take care of the above. Also, for great results, expect to work like a partner, not just a service provider.